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HomePakistan5th February: Solidarity with Kashmir & Condemnation of Indian Atrocities on the People...

5th February: Solidarity with Kashmir & Condemnation of Indian Atrocities on the People of Kashmir

All Parties Conference on 3rd Feb. 2018 to show solidarity with the Just Struggle of People of Kashmir & Condemnation of  inhuman atrocities committed by Indian forces and RSS Hindu terrorist organization.

All Parties Conference on 3rd Feb. 2018 to show solidarity with the Just Struggle of people of Kashmir & Condemnation of inhuman atrocities committed by Indian forces and RSS Hindu terrorist organization, State terrorism was observed in necked condition and world witnessed it.


Mr. Nusrat Mirza presided while Mr. Yasin Azad former President Supreme Bar Council, Jamal Ahmad Member Sind Assembly (MQM), Salman Mujahid(PSP), Zahida Bhand (PMLN), Muhammad Hussain Mahanti(JI), Sardar Syed Nazakat Hussain (PPP), Syed Shabbir Hussain Mesimi(Shia Ulma Council), Molana Zubair Ahmad Siddiqi Hazarvi(JUP), Molana Mhammed Mustaqeem, Abdul Ghani Sabir (ATI), Syed Zaman Ali Jafferi (Labbeka Ya RasoolulAllah), Allama Syed Razi Hyder Rizvi(MWM), Prof. Farid Ahmad Dayo (Vice President Supreme Bar Council), Malik Masood ur Rahman(Vice President KPK Supreme Bar Council), Sardar Maqsooduzaman (PTI), Abdul Rashid Dar (President All JAMMU O KASHMIR), Haider Imam Rizvi( President Karachi Bar Association), Prof. Dr. Shujaat Hussain and prof. Dr. Mahboob Muqaddam  Karachi University, Zafar Imam Advocate Rabita Forum International and others.

  1. That the people of Pakistan and show full solidarity with Liberation movement of occupied Kashmir and it representative body Hurriat conference. This liberation struggle is legal and as per UN mandate. UN Security Council has adopted various resolutions which give the right to the people of Kashmir of self-determination whether to join Pakistan or India. India has neglected rather rejected the UN resolution and would like Kashmir as its integral part which has been opposed by the people of Kashmir and had started as full-fledged peaceful struggle of liberation in the valley of Kashmir and asking the people of the world to rescue them from the tyrannical yoke of India
  2. This conference strongly condemn the atrocities committed by the Indian Military, Boarder forces and armed RSS terrorist organization’s  entering the house insulting and humiliating  women, children and  Old people, opening fire on peaceful mob by the state forces and then killing, torturing the youngsters  under of supervision of state institutions, border  force or civilian  authorities. Use of pallet gun and Rubber bullets have made hundreds of the people disable loosing eyes, legs, backbone injuries and other Ways. It is demanded the India should shun such inhuman crimes otherwise the fire it has flamed shall burn  theentire India.
  3. This conference considers that Indian atrocities to curb liberation movement of Kashmir against mankind and thus make India beast.
  4. This Conference believes firmly that the candle lighted by the blood of Muzaffar Wani, Shall be successful and shall encourage 27 other liberation movement of Indian that of Khalistan, Gorkha Land, Naga Land, Manipur, Bodoland, Arunachal Liberation Movement and other. The most fatal of which will  be Naxalilte Movement with which twelve states of India out of 29 shall be effected.
  5. This Conference demands the government of Pakistan to enhance its efforts to support Kashmir liberation movement diplomatically and morally.
  6. It also demands that Kashmir committee needs change which in fact by its inaction has harmed the Kashmir cause. It is necessary the atrocities of India be brought in the notice of international community in  such a way that world conscious awakes and build the pressure on India.
  7. This conference views Indo-Israel-U.S.A. Nexus with great concern and consider it against  humanity and worried that the tyranny on the people of Kashmir shall increase.
  8. This conference demand United States of America and United nation to pressurize India to resolve the issue of Kashmir



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