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Summary of the Introductory Training Program Organized by Rabita Forum International on Strategic Affairs of Pakistan

By Muhammad Javed Siddique

The first week of July begins with two weeks training program organized by Rabita Forum International (RFI), under the auspicious guidance and humble gratitude of RFI Chairman Mr. Nusrat Mirza. Participants were students of various departments of the University of Karachi, M.Phil and M.A cadre of the Departments of Political Science and International Relations.

The session begins with the recitation of the Holy Name of Allah Almighty. The first session was chaired by the Chairman of RFI Mr. Nusrat Mirza. After the introductory part, Mr. Nusrat Mirza discussed the core objectives of this program and comprehensively described the strategic issues and challenges confronting Pakistan today. He also suggested the remedial approaches by utilizing those Pakistan can achieve a core place in the strategic side regionally and internationally. He also briefed the participants on the technicalities of the strategic maneuvering and planning.

The next session was on grooming. This session chaired by Ms.Bismah Mirza, she focused on the personality development and character building. Through lectures and presentations, she provided know-how about the different aspects of professional and social life. She gave tips on how to prepare for job interviews, the pattern of impressive resume writing and future planning basics. Participants on the conclusion overwhelmingly appreciated this session as a stimulant one to boost their confidence level and motivational stair.

Mr. Nusrat Mirza again chaired a session, where he briefly discussed the strategic visions of the different regional and international powers, mainly, American vision, China’s vision, Indian vision, Pakistan vision and Iran vision, respectively. He also emphasized it, that how Pakistan can gain weight at geopolitical, geo-economical and geo-strategic fronts. Pak-China long-lasting and China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative and CPEC were also discussed by him. He strongly emphasized that we should feel proud that we have acquired nuclear capability and we are first on who possess this among the Muslim states.

He also raised this point that our foes leaving no stone unturned to spoiled our nuclear program and doing throat cutting efforts to demoralize us as a nation but we are aware of their all suspicious tactics and in all front, we are capable to let down their vicious and conspired strategies. Our Nuclear assets are in safe possessions and we are not aiming to use it to deteriorate the peace of the world, rather our nuclear program is to maintain the peace of the world, he yelled. He said that the IAEA inspector also visited our nuclear sites and declared those safe in all aspects.

Another informative and comprehensive session chaired by Air Commodore (R) Jamal Hussain. Where, he highlighted the capabilities of Pakistan Air Force and its role in the ongoing operations of Pakistan Armed Forces, against terrorist and extremist outfits in Pakistan. He also discussed the challenges and the possible plans of Pakistan’s foes and also disclosed how they are vexing to destabilize Pakistan and isolate it in the international arena. He comprehensively refined the minds of partakers over Pakistan’s Missile programs, tactical weapons, air crafts capability and so on and on.

He ended the session with this note that we are not an aggressive power we are not having such intentions to wage wars against anyone and deteriorate the world peace but our nuclear capability is deterrent for those enemies who never tolerate seeing Pakistan as a  progressive and prosperous country. After Air Commodore Jamal Hussain session, another great personality and Iconic Naval Officer, Commodore (R) Obaidullah came to augment the knowledge of participants over the naval proficiency of Pakistan and Maritime dimensions of the country.

He appreciated the initiative of RFI Chairman Mr. Nusrat Mirza of holding such kind of session across the country to provide an opportunity to our youngsters to meet expert of diverse fields and acquire up to date knowledge regarding of different national and international affairs. He also shared his experiences as a naval officer for almost thirty-five years in Pakistan Navy.

He also stressed, to learn about the Blue Economy which is a God gifted asset we are having but we are failed to harvest the benefits from it, instead of its an ignored aspect in our economic side. He comprehended that as we are having almost a coastal line of 1100 kilometer long but our government is not done anything praiseworthy to fully take benefit from it. The appropriate utilization of coast line would be a reason to boost up our economy and it could create more jobs to reduce the rate of unemployment in our country, he explained. At the end of the session, he appreciated the interactive discussion and question-answer competency of the participants and shows overjoyed expression at his endnote.

After informative and comprehensive sessions participants experienced another enlightening one delivered by Dr.Waqat from the Pakistan Atomic Commission (PAC). He discussed the role of PAC and its working mechanism. He moreover briefed the participants on Pakistan’s nuclear assets and its safety measures. The role of PAC over energy production also discussed and the reservations over nuclear sites were too comprehensively highlighted and Dr.Waqat shed lights on it and assured that these sites are not hazardous for the local residents near the nuclear sites with proof evidence.

He said PAC is an institution and an asset of Pakistan which striving to boost Pakistan’s Defence capacity and to reduce the energy deficit by its energy production. On a question he replied that our nuclear sites and reactors are designed fully safe and have the capability to tolerate any natural calamity if encountered in future, he assured. On an endnote, he appreciated the initiative taken by Mr. Nustar Mirza to enhance the competency of our youngsters.

In concluding session Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed and Mr. Sameer Khan delivered their speeches and presentation on Pakistan’s different military arsenals, missiles programs, and the role of Pakistan’s Strategic Plan Division in nation safeguarding and scientific researched base services to the Arm Forces. Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed additionally, gave brief note over the International Law and its role in international peacekeeping. The session concluded with gratitude and with this hope that the partaker learned anything will try to spread this knowledge all over their circle as a positive gesture and contribute their share to make Pakistan a great country.

Last but not least, RFI Chairman Mr. Nusrat Mirza on his endnote acknowledged all the guest speakers and participants. He also took the feedback from participants. The participants of the program emphasized that such kinds of programs are the platform for them to explore their talent and a source to gain practical knowledge with expert interactions. At last certificates and stipends distributed among participants and the training program concluded with this hope that we will contribute our share to make Pakistan a developed, peaceful and prosperous country.



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