Friday, March 14, 2025
HomePakistanCPEC and the Global Scenario

CPEC and the Global Scenario

By Mirza Kashif Baig

In order to hinder CPEC and its development US is trying to create global issues. CPEC is part of a global initiative referred to as One belt one road (OBOR) and it is being led by China while supported by Russia. This is viewed by America as China’s initiative to enhance its influence globally to challenge American supremacy. In order to contain China, America is looking to take any and all steps necessary without a shred of regret for the moral repercussions of their actions. In the global scenario America is feared and is fast being recognized as a bully who is hell bent on shedding innocent blood to maintain its global primacy, so all in all America is playing the role of a tyrant and merciless inhuman way. In line with their plan to form greater Israel, they have to break any regional power that may someday challenge Israel and pose a threat to it. America has been supported by Israel and their close ally , India have embarked on a journey to shed as much blood as possible without the slightest bit of remorse. The Afghanistan invasion which was started on a lie that Afghanistan may has taken part in 9/11 episode, followed by Iraq invasion again based on the same lie was all part of a two pronged agenda simply to keep America on top by waging war, as it’s a war driven economy, secondly to facilitate the creation of greater Israel. These wars allowed America to gain access to Iraq’s resources and to destroy the Afghani form of government which was based on the Islamic principles and America wanted to raise it to the ground before the world realized that a better alternate system existed. Furthermore, Afghanistan granted them access to South Asia and brought them closer to their Israeli allies and provided them a path to encircle countries like Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia. The conquest of Iraq ripped the country apart and started a wave of terror which destroyed the nation completely. In line with its future America created ISIS to malign Muslim countries and their faith ISLAM. ISIS wreaked havoc in the region and started to reach out to Syria where it established a strong footing. In the meantime, the Arab spring was fueled by the US which affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Oman. These movements weakened Arab countries, destroyed whatever form of order that was prevailing and set in place a set up which favored United States of America. Where ever, governments were weakening ISIS started to take over in certain areas particularly in Iraq and Syria. However, US plan backfired when Iran and Russia jumped in to protect their interests in Syria and started fighting against American backed rebels and ISIS while supporting the government of Syria. ISIS and the rebels faced tremendous backlash and were driven back but that did not suit America very well and whenever a cease fire was reached they would start air strikes on Syrian government forces. In the meantime, Kurd fighters started contesting for a separate country and started attacks on Turkey; Turkey and Russia, after an unfortunate mistake which was acknowledged by Turkey, joined hands in battling the situation in Syria to protect their interests. This part of American plan failed as Russia and Turkey were supposed to go at war so that Turkey could be broken up alongside Syria and Iraq, eventually Pakistan and the Gulf States would have met with the same fate. Russia showed flexibility without any aggressive tone. Meanwhile, CPEC was rolled out and China started to emerge very quickly as a global power capable of supporting the global economy and protecting its interests. In order to contain China US enhanced its cooperation with India and started supporting India to form a challenge for Pakistan and China. Consequently, a new arm race was started in the region especially between Pakistan and India. India is tasked with keeping China and Pakistan in check and to do everything that can be done to stop CPEC. America is sitting in Afghanistan and sponsoring terrorism into Pakistan. United States of America has constructed nine underground military bases in Afghanistan itself just to maintain its supremacy and keep an eye on CPEC, Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenals and activities of China, Russia and central Asian countries. America has airlifted ISIS terrorist from Syria and other places to Afghanistan through un identified aero planes to destabilize Pakistan and Afghanistan. Meanwhile, India is making war threats, sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan through East and west borders and inflicting the worst form state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir in order to infuriate Pakistan to do something rash. While Pakistan is exercising excellent control over Law and Order situation in Pakistan and giving befitting response to India and US. While India is trying to balance between Russia and USA through Arms purchase but keeping away from Russian Arms dependence as does Pakistan with USA. Further Iran’s role in the matter with reference to CPEC is also not clear as the Iranians are trying to benefit from both India and China by leveraging Chabahar port. It would to bridge two double rivals Pakistan & India and USA and Russia which may put in trouble. Iran has to understand the greater game that is at play and should refrain from trying to please both sides in the interest of its own survival. Iran if joins Pakistan, China and Russia and Turkey, it will be its trump card.
In this entire situation one thing is clear America and its western allies have lost their right to lead morally. Biggest example of this is the attack on Syria by America, UK and France on 13th April 2018. These attacks were unprovoked aggression cloaked as a heroic gesture against alleged chemical attacks carried out by Syrian government on the Syrian rebels. One interesting fact is that this US led attack was carried out when an investigative international mission was supposed to visit Syria and determine who carried out the chemical attacks also Russians and the Assad regime apprehended a few MI6 agents from Syria who may have carried out these chemical attacks to justify American intervention, also it has been confirmed now by the UN investigative team that the chemical attacks were in fact carried out by the US supported rebels against Syrian government and civilians. The truth is that America, Britain and their allies are still brewing up the same web of lies which they used to invade Iraq and Afghanistan except this time the world is on to them. This not only strips them of their moral authority but it seems that the people they have been portraying as tyrants, are the ones fighting tyranny, as in this case Russia and Iran seem to fighting for the right cause. Also, China seems to be playing a better role in supporting the global economy as through their measures all stakeholders benefits whereas in case of US, all economic cooperation led to covert operations and complete disrespect of the sovereignty of other countries.



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