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HomeAsiaHindutva fascism calls in question India's assertion to be a secular democracy

Hindutva fascism calls in question India’s assertion to be a secular democracy

Barrister Sultan Mahmood Choudhary

“Kashmiri diaspora has played an important role in mobilizing the global public opinion in favor of the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir. They have maintained that the rise of fascism is a clear threat to the minorities in India. And the rise of Hindutva fascism calls in question India’s assertion to be a secular democracy. Gone are the days when India used to be called the land of Gandhi,” this was stated by Barrister Sultan Mahmood Choudhary, President, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, at a public gathering organized by ‘Kashmir House’ Washington, DC. Barrister Sultam Mahmood Choudhary added that Kashmiri Americans are best suited to educate Biden Administration to have its understanding to intervene in Kashmir and persuade both India and Pakistan to go back yes to go back to the point of departure and allow the people of Jammu & Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination as guaranteed under 18 substantive United Nations Security Council resolutions. Barrister Sultan Mahmood Choudhary expressed thanks to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) the second largest forum after the United Nations which has once again reiterated its principle stand and has appointed a special envoy on Kashmir. Barrister Choudhary was giving the details of his interaction with the members of OIC Kashmir Contact Group, including his meeting with Mr. Hussein Brahmi Taha, the Secretary General of the OIC. Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Chairman, World Forum for Peace & Justice said “Let the world powers know that Kashmir is at war that India cannot win, like Vietnam for the United States.  The hearts and minds of the overwhelming majority of Kashmiris have been irretrievably alienated, as indicated by the necessity of making the territory the most densely soldiered on the globe. And the situation in Kashmir is living proof that the people will not compromise, far less abandon, their demand for self-determination which is their birthright and for which they have paid a price unparalleled in the history of South Asia. “Today, the challenge before us is that a new generation in Kashmir has been raised with blood and tears for which death no longer poses a threat for what can death do that life has not done before: their suffering is freeing them from fear. Kashmiris’ fearlessness has led to the powerful protests and the largest demonstrations in recent years,” Dr. Fai added. Dr. Fai suggested a ‘Kashmir Quartet’ should be established that includes Kashmir, Pakistan, China, and India. Moreover, outside intervention and facilitatio should include the United Nations. The chairmanship of the Kashmir Quartet facilitation should be undertaken by a person of international stature, such as Kjell Bondevik former Prime Minister of Norway or Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland. Irfan Yaqoob, a local humanitarian said that the people of Indian occupied Kashmir have demonstrated through their utmost sacrifices that there is no point of return from the cry of azadi. He said that the nation and the people of Pakistan have given lot of sacrifices for their brethren in Kashmir and they are ready to do that till the people of Kashmir are free from Indian occupation. Sardar Zubair Khan said that the human rights abuses in Indian Occupied Kashmir are deteriorating day by day. Indian army which is immune from any accountability has shattered the lives of innocent people of Kashmir, but it has failed to win over them in any shape or form. The whole nation of Kashmir is totally alienated, Zubair added. Shoaib Irshad highlighted that the facts on the ground in Kashmir testify that the struggle of people of Kashmir will continue despite unimaginable atrocities committed by 900,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces on unarmed civilian population of Kashmir. Sardar Aftab Roshan Khan warned that there are confirmed reports that Indian government has issued more than 4.2 million Domicile certificates within the past two years, and it is being done to change the demography of Kashmir so that the Muslim majority community is converted into a minority. Professor Saeed Khan said that Kashmir was the most dangerous place on earth. It is the only region in the world which shares borders with three nuclear powers India, Pakistan, and China. India is fighting with China on one side and India is fighting with Pakistan on the other. The world powers need to come out of their slumber and save the region of South Asia from nuclear catastrophe. Aftab Shah of New Jersey stated that the role of the people of Azad Kashmir is to be the ambassadors of the people of Indian occupied Kashmir. Let us be the voice of the voiceless people of our brethren all over the world. Farooq Ahmad Khan, Executive Director, Cholistan Development Council said that the people of Pakistan must mobilize public opinion not only globally but also locally. There needs to be a consensus in Pakistan on the policy and plan of action when it comes to the issue of Kashmir. We cannot let the suffering of brethren in Kashmir continue forever. Raja Ali said that we need to educate American policy makers about the situation in Kashmir. Our meetings with the Members of Congress must be our routine. They must become our advocates in the United States Congress. Shafiq Shah, well known human rights activists said that the world powers in general and the United Nations in particular has the leverage to bring immense moral and political influence to bear on initiating a peace process which will lead to a speedy, just and honorable settlement of the dispute and restore to the people of Kashmir their inalienable right to self-determination. Razauddin Siddiqui of Makki Masjid, New York urged the audience to interact with the faith-based organizations. The people of Kashmir have been under occupation for more than seven decades. It is our responsibility to bring their situation to the attention of God-fearing people here in the United States. Asif Khan of Helping Hand called for dispelling the impression that the Muslims are working for Muslim causes only. Our religion ordains us to support all those who are in need, irrespective of their religious affiliations. Seemab Shafiq asked: why the Kashmiri American community does not include the youth in their activities. Youth is the future of any nation. We, as the second-generation Kashmiri Americans can play a healthy role in highlighting the situation of Kashmir before those who matter. Raja Liaqat Kayani, the host and the President of Kashmir House, Washington thanked the participants for coming from long distances to be the part of this important gathering. He offered the participants free hospitality that included delicious dinner, fresh fruits, coffee and tea. Sardar Zarif Khan, Emcee of the event said that Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations has spoken the truth when he said that the Kashmir issue has to be resolved under UN Charter and applicable UN Security Council resolutions. Now is the time that Secretary General must invoke Article 99 of the UN Charter and bring all parties concerned Government of India, Pakistan, and genuine leadership of the people of Jammu & Kashmir to the negotiating table and resolve the Kashmir conflict once for all.



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