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HomeAsiaIndian state sponsored terrorism and false flag operation

Indian state sponsored terrorism and false flag operation

By Ahsan Ali Zahid

Pakistan on many occasions has provided sufficient evidence to Indian authorities, about Indian covert support in a number of terrorist acts in Pakistan. Hindu fundamentalists were right on the track to instigate proxies against Pakistan after the installation of Modi government, and the game gets worst especially when Indian PM Modi nominated Ajit Doval as national security advisor. The odd belief that Pakistan maintains a hidden relationship with jihadis to conduct attacks on India has often been publicized in Western media, but the actual reality is not revealed that India is persistently involved in state-sponsored terrorism and false flag operations as a cover to portray itself as a victim of terrorism. The reality is that India is involved in the proxy war against Pakistan, and it has staged several false flag operations to gain sympathies, domestic policy change, malign Pakistan and divert the attention of the international community from heinous crimes. Pakistan on the other hand on several occasions has tried to enlighten the international community regarding clandestine Indian terror links and the desire to destabilize not only Pakistan but also the region. Once again on 13th Jan, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesperson Asim Iftikhar during a weekly press briefing stated, “We are also concerned about India’s dangerous track record of orchestrating false flag operations, and we continue to alert the international community about that.  There is a real possibility that India might stage another false flag operation to complicate the current situation. Therefore, we continue to alert our friends in the international community about this prospect.”

How India has been involved in acts of terrorism?

Pakistan on many occasions has provided sufficient evidence to Indian authorities, about Indian covert support in a number of terrorist acts in Pakistan. Hindu fundamentalists were right on the track to instigate proxies against Pakistan after the installation of Modi government, and the game gets worst especially when Indian PM Modi nominated Ajit Doval as national security advisor. Doval is a perfect manifestation of India’s ongoing surreptitious war against Pakistan.  While classifying Pakistan as an Indian Enemy, Doval advocated an extensive range of clandestine actions against Pakistan i.e., isolating Pakistan internationally OR aiding TTP to create internal security of Pakistan chaotic. On the same note, Chuck Hagel has also indicated that India is using Afghan soil to finance the problems for Pakistan. John Pike, renowned expert on defense, space, and intelligence policy, evidently reported that RAW is a major source of espionage and sabotage against Pakistan and other neighboring countries.  Indian intelligence agency RAW has been persistently involved in planning and plotting terrorist attacks in Pakistan even if it is sports realm. The agency was furtively involved in a 2009 attack at Sri Lankan cricket team. India’s double-speak on terrorism is not tolerable as on one side it is involved in terrorism in Pakistan and on the other side it is also involved in terrorist attacks in its own country.  For instance, after the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan demanded to let its envoy investigate Ajmal Kasab but obviously, there was something dubious that is why India did not allow it. On 19 July 2013, the ex-investigating officer of CBI Satish Verma unveiled the secret that the Indian government killed hundreds in Mumbai and Parliament attacks just to strengthen the counter-terror legislation. This brings to another whistle blown on 20 Jan 2013, by Indian Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde that political party in power BJP and RSS are running training camps to promote Hindu terrorism. These extremist groups are also responsible for Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts. Story does not end here, Webster G. Tarpley in an interview with Alex Jones stated, “The Hindus (RSS), the RSS is Hindu racist extremist organization, now we have religious extremist party in India and U.S. is backing them… The Research and Analysis Wing of Indian intelligence, they are up in Afghanistan, recruiting crazies from there to bring them down and help them to engage in terrorism inside Pakistan. So, the Indians have this real dirty aspect.”

The role of media

Media plays an important role in creating influence and we all know dramatic Indian media is famous for creating melodramas. Yellow journalists in Indian media emphatically spread hatred among the civil society and if anyone talks rationally; he or she is accused of being pro-Pakistani or ISI agent. India wants to be recognized as a major geopolitical player internationally, but the shift from a diverse and secular society into a repressing and stifling society is a concern. The U.S. and its allies are today arming and funding this radical Hindutva terrorism as a counterweight to China. If Hindutva religious fanaticism goes on rising, it will destabilize peace not only of India or the South Asian region but also of the globe. The international community will then be fighting against Global War on Hindutva Terror (GWoHT), instead of Global War on Terror (GWoT). We cannot allow ourselves to be quiet in the face of such a danger. Peace is not a one-way ticket; Pakistan wants talks with India, but Indian efforts are disappointing and insufficient. India should make efforts to fight against terrorism the way the global community is and the best way to start it is from the home ground. There is a realization among the analysts in the world that Indian involvement in terrorism is a security threat to the region and the world.  The international community together must advocate for a ban on weapon sales to India by major powers keeping in view the human rights violations, support for terrorism and extremist policies of the Indian government. France, who has taken over the presidency of the Council of EU, must realize its responsibility and push EU to stop weaponizing India. The writer is a Senior Research Officer at the Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad.



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