Friday, October 18, 2024


Pakistan ‘categorically’ rejects reports about recognising Israel

(25 Nov 2020) Islamabad, Pakistan  Pakistan’s foreign ministry has reiterated the country is not considering recognising the state of Israel, in line with existing policy, according to a statement, even as Arab allies have moved to do so. In a statement released on Tuesday, Pakistani foreign ministry spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri “categorically rejected baseless speculation regarding possibility of recognition of the State of Israel by Pakistan”.

“Pakistan steadfastly supports the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination,” said the statement, which was in line with the country’s position on the conflict.

“For just and lasting peace, it is imperative to have a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State.”

Questions have been raised on whether Pakistan would join Arab allies the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, who moved to normalise relations with Israel in September. A first Bahraini delegation visited Israel last week.   Source: Al Jazeera News Agency)


Attack on Wadi Nelam Azad Kashmir

Will defend motherland, Kashmiri brethren at the cost of blood and lives: Pak Army warns India

(13-11-2020) The Pakistan Army said it has inflicted substantial losses on Indian troops which have been accepted by the Indian media as well, warning New Delhi that such provocative acts in future “will be responded in the same coin”.

The military’s media wing, in a statement on Friday, said that Indian forces targeted civilian population along the Line of Control after being “humiliated” at the hands of local freedom fighters in occupied Kashmir, opposite Neelum Valley on the night of November 7/8.

“[The Indian Army] suffered few casualties including four soldiers. To ward off the humiliation faced by the Indian Army in front of the domestic audience, instead of finding the reasons from within and addressing the same, on 13 November 2020, the Indian Army opted for resorting to unprovoked and indiscriminate fire of all calibers, including artillery and heavy mortars, along the LOC in various sectors of AJ&K,” said the ISPR.

The military’s media wing said that Indian forces not only resorted to engaging Pakistan’s military posts but also targeted civilian population across the LoC which resulted in the martyrdom of four persons and 12 getting injured.

“Pakistan Army gave a befitting reply to the Indian Army, and effectively targeted those Indian posts which engaged innocent civilians,” said the ISPR. “As a result, substantial losses, both in terms of men and material, have been incurred on to Indian troops which have also been accepted by Indian media.”

The ISPR stated that the Indian Army’s losses were much more what they were acknowledging, adding that one brave Pakistani soldier was martyred in this exchange while five others were injured.  The armed forces made it clear that Pakistan is a peace-loving country and the Pakistan Army pursues the same aspirations. However, it warned India from committing any further acts of aggression and if it does, should be prepared to receive a befitting response.  We assure, that all such provocative acts shall continue to be responded in the same coin,” said the ISPR.


Muslim bloc OIC reaffirms ‘unequivocal’ support for Kashmir

(29-11-2020) The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has reiterated its “strong and unequivocal support” for disputed Kashmir in a resolution adopted unanimously in the Muslim bloc’s gathering in Niger, Pakistan said. Representatives of 57-member states attended the two-day meeting that ended on Saturday 28 Nov.  during which OIC discussed issues confronting the Muslim world.

The situation in India-administered Kashmir was one of the session’s main points of focus with OIC’s Council of Foreign Ministers reaffirming strong support for Kashmiris struggling for the region’s right to self-determination.

“The OIC categorically rejected illegal and unilateral actions taken by India since 5 August 2019,” the Pakistani foreign office said in a statement, adding the resolution demanded that India “cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris” as well as other unilateral and illegal actions there.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi represented Pakistan at the 47th session of the OIC in Niamey.

Established in 1969, the OIC is the world’s second-largest inter-governmental organisation after the UN, with 57 member states spread across four continents.

Pakistan is one of its founding members.

The OIC has previously condemned human rights violations in Kashmir, its annexation by India, and the newly-introduced domicile laws that allow non-Kashmiris to take jobs and buy properties in the disputed Himalayan territory.  But it has never deterred India from carrying out its actions in the region.

India maintains the group has no locus standi on Kashmir and often rejects its statements. (Source: TRT World News)


Fuel loading for 1,100MW K-2 starts

ISLAMABAD: The fuel loading for newly built 1100 megawatt Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) Unit-2 has kick-started on Tuesday after seeking permission from Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA).

After fuel loading, different tests will be started to ensure safety and standards compliance on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) till March 2021 and then its operation will begin and its produced electricity will be connected to national grid.

The per unit cost of electricity at Chashma Nuclear Power Plants stood at Rs11.16 and the cost of KANUPP Unit-2 will be hovering around Rs14 to Rs15 per unit, keeping in view estimated cost of newly constructed nuclear power plants. The K-3 project is expected to be completed after 10 months of completion of K-2. The construction of two nuclear power plants, K-2 and K-3 based on Chinese ACP1000 concept started in August 2015 and May 2016, close to the KANUPP site in the outskirts of Karachi city. ACP1000 is a state-of-the-art, 1100MW, Gen-III design based on PWR. The units are scheduled to come online in 2020 and 2021. Both K-2 and K-3 are also under IAEA safeguard since March 2017.

According to Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) announcement, fuel loading for the newly built, 1100MW, Karachi Nuclear Power Plant Unit-2 (K-2) started on Tuesday, after obtaining fuel load permit from Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA). This was announced by the spokesperson of PAEC.

The fuel loading was witnessed by DG SPD Lt. Gen. Nadeem Zaki Manj, PAEC Chairman Muhammad Naeem, Member Power PAEC along with Chinese dignitaries and officials.

K-2 is 1100MW Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) based on the Chinese HPR-1000 technology, which is 3rd Generation Plant equipped with advanced safety features. The construction of K-2 Plant started on August 31, 2015 and its commercial operation will begin in April 2021.(Source: The News International)


Joint military drills: PNS Zulfiqar visits Jordan port

( 22 Nov 2020) According to Director General Public Relations (DGPR), PNS Zulfiqar was warmly welcomed by the hosts at the Aqaba port and the Commanding Officer met the host officials and discussed issues of mutual interest. Pakistan Navy Ship ZULFIQUAR (with embarked helicopter) visited the Port of Aqaba, Jordan, as part of Pakistan Navy overseas deployment to Mediterranean/ Red Sea. Upon arrival, ship was received by Defence Attaché (Pakistan) Amman and the Royal Jordanian Naval Force (RJNF) Liaison Officer.

During stay at port, Commanding Officer PNS ZULFIQUAR called on senior Jordanian Navy and Government officials including Commander Royal Jordanian Naval Force, Colonel Hisham Al Jarrah. During the interactions, matters of mutual interest were discussed and contribution of Pakistan Navy to regional peace and maritime security were also underlined. Besides, Indian atrocities at illegally Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (lIOJ&K) were highlighted.

The Commanding Officer conveyed well wishes from Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi for the people of Jordan in general and RJNF in particular. He also extended his gratitude for whole hearted support provided by RJNF in making ship’s stay comfortable. During stay at Aqaba, Commander Royal Jordanian Naval Force also visited PNS ZULFIQUAR.

Pakistan Navy Ship ZULFIQUAR, after sailing from the Aqaba port conducted passage exercise with RJNF Fast Attack Craft Al Hassan (P 102), and Patrol Crafts, Mohamamd-1 & Mohamamd-2.

Pakistan Navy, in line with Government policies stand ready to play its role for maritime safety and security in the region. The visit of PNS ZULFIQUAR is a reaffirmation of PN-RNJF collaboration and will further serve to foster brotherly relations between Pakistan and Jordan. During the interactions, matters of mutual interest were discussed and contribution of Pakistan Navy to regional peace and maritime security were also underlined, said DGPR.




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