Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeAsiaTaliban & Daesh have diverse interest

Taliban & Daesh have diverse interest

By Nusrat Mirza

It is beyond doubt that ISIL or ISIS or Daesh has been created by USA and its allies just to further check Russia. Iran and Russia have defeated ISIL in Syria and last base of ISIS in Syria near boarder city Ramada Iraq is under Siege. The Syrian forces have gathered around DIR ZUR desert town beside of Ramada in Iraq where USA planned to get them shifted to Iraq for their safety.

This plan has been checked by newly elected Iraqi government with Adil Mahdi being Prime Minister. Earlier General Usman Alghanimi, Army Chief of Iraq has given assurance to United States of America that its stay in Iraq will be safe. Immediately after this assurance, USA president announced withdrawal from Syria and USA started negotiation with Taliban to pull out from Afghanistan where ISIL has gathered by facilitation of USA through unnamed and unmarked aero planes in thousands.

It has been said there are about ten thousand of ISIL personnel in Afghanistan. A few of them, as has been said have spilled over in to Pakistan, and are being hunted vigorously by Pakistan’s security forces. In the light of Iraq situation, there is a possibility, though may be remote, that USA may change its plan to shift from Afghanistan to Iraq and Syria away from Taliban and HizbuAllah. Thus save itself from Pakistan, Iran and Russia but act against these countries from safe heavens in Iraq.  It seems that Iraq may not be such safe as USA considered in December 2018. It needs to be seen, if it changes its policy in new scenario.

Afghan Talibans are die hard nationalist and ISIL are Arabs, American, European or African under Zionist influence. Both have clash of interest. One is fighting for the freedom of their homeland while the others are mercenaries. It is America’s plan bring the Taliban out of their hideouts, make them part of the Afghan government and then have the ISIL terrorists take them out like sitting ducks.

Talibans, nevertheless, claimed that they can wipe out ISIL in days considering that they could be identified by appearance, habits, ideology and language and Afghan society cannot give protection to them as per tradition or if some tries to do he or they will be checked and may be eliminated.

In case of civil war which will be disastrous to Afghan people, ISIL could play USA game. But if Afghans maintain harmony, there is no chance for the survival of ISIL. Further, there no chance for ISIL and Taliban to join hands as they don’t have any link and aim and objects of both clash with each other.  Relations between the two armed groups were hostile from the start and their fighters have clashed repeatedly. Among the reasons for the hostility is the ISKP’s poaching of Taliban fighters; it recruited from among disgruntled Taliban commanders and fighters. This did not go down well with the Taliban leadership and in June 2015, in an open letter Taliban deputy leader Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor wrote to ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, warning ISIS to keep out of Afghanistan and stop “creating a parallel jihadist front.”

The “jihad against the Americans and their allies,” the Taliban said, “must be conducted under one flag and one leadership”  its own. A week later, ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani issued a statement wherein he specifically mentioned the group’s opponents in Khorasan, Libya and Syria and ordered ISIS fighters to “have no mercy or compassion” in dealing with those who did not “repent” and “join the Caliphate.”

The Taliban and the ISIL are Sunni insurgent groups. They have a medieval outlook and both use barbaric methods such as beheading to deal with their enemies. However, they also have serious differences. The ISKP has a global jihadi agenda  the “Caliphate” it seeks to establish spreads across North Africa; West, Central and Southeast Asia as well as parts of Europe that were under Muslim rule in the past. By contrast, the Taliban’s ambitions are local and aim to set up a “pure and clean Islamic state in Afghanistan.”

Although the Hazaras have been persecuted historically in Afghanistan, this has been in the context of ethnic strife rather than sectarian conflict. In contrast, ISIS views Shiites as heretics worthy of death and its strategy in Afghanistan, as in Iraq, is to divide the population along sectarian lines.

So, it seems that there is no meeting point between Afghan and ISIL and there can be no cooperation between these warring groups. That means Afghanistan has to see more blood and USA sitting in Iraq shall use its strings and help Daesh against Taliban, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, China and Central Asian countries. America is after its agenda to reduce Middle Eastern countries including Iran and Pakistan which will be resisted by concerned countries and America will face another shameful defeat in its design.



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