Friday, March 7, 2025


China has moved from Geo-Economic position to Geo-strategic status. This has become point of concern for United of America which obtained single super power position of the world after century old efforts. To become a unique in the world in the known history of 2400 year, one can find several powers which have tried to obtain this status. China has sent balloon in the space of USA either for espionage or for teasing US that it can break the barriers of American defense. Further China has entered geo-political field disturbing America. Its influence has increased in Africa, Asia and China is trying to reach Europe which has shown sign of leaving American camp. Europe is also feeling the heat of American decision to boycott Russian oil during winter as America would like to damage Russian economy and to isolate Russia. In pursuit of Chinese design, American foreign Minister Antony Blinken visited China in high-stakes trip amid tension in South China Sea. Very interesting outcome could be seen after this visit. China has helped to bring Saudi Arabia and Iran in terms that both countries have opened their diplomatic missions. China also considered Palestine as its strategic partner and Palestine’s President Mahmood Abbas visited China in June 2023.It looks that China has entered in the world’s geostrategic arena with strategic posture and with determination to share or reduce the primacy of USA. This is an alarming sign and challenge to United States of America in this century. Russia and China also working together to reduce the importance of petrodollar by taking Saudi Arabia in to confidence.  Saudis are also fed up with American humiliation of Joe Biden saying that it is a pariah state that means that Saudi Arabia is an outcaste in the world community. This statement has damaged the relations between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and USA. What are the options for United States of America to compromise with China or choose a clash or full fledge war. If USA reached with some sort of understanding with China, India’s importance will be reduced and it will be more inclined towards Russia which together with China and SCO is also challenging the supremacy of USA. Zbigniew Brzenski the Security Advisor to two Presidents of USA in his book The Grand Chess Board-  American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives has written in the book’s Introduction writes “The defeat and collapse of Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a western Hemisphere Power, the United States, as the sole and indeed, the first global Power.”  He further writes in this book “The ultimate objective of American policy should be benign and visionary: to shape a truly cooperative global community, in keeping with long-range trends and with the fundamental interests of humankind. But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America.”

Brzezinski was of the opinion that USA will keep America the center of world Power for centuries and would not allow any country to challenge American primacy. To keep this supremacy it will do anything like change the government of a country, civil war or direct war. The situation, however, is considerably changed.

Its supremacy has been challenged since two decades and American is trying hard to maintain its primacy. Joe Biden the President of USA has warned China that it will not tolerate any effort to change the world order. So in this process the visit of American Foreign Minister be seen. The question is would American can share its sole super status and the world which has become multi-polar practically officially be accepted by USA?  To meet the challenges and restore its primacy over the world, in 2010, America planned four steps announced by the elite of USA and the world that (1) Britain should exist from European Union lest Europe itself can become a threat to United State, the second one was the mass migration of Asians and Africans, the third was of rare type of inflation which the world is witnessing now a days and the fourth was a war that is going on between Ukraine and Russia. The second and flash point of war could be strait of Taiwan and South China Sea. America would like to engage in war China and Russia separately. Apparently, it is not possible, there could be a full-fledge war the third world war. This can be said on the basis that the intelligentsia of United States is determined to restore American supremacy over the world at all cost. It is not possible without a war or subdue Russia and China through some new technology. War between China and the U.S. would spell doom for humanity. That’s because once the Chinese sink those sitting ducks called U.S. aircraft carriers, hotheads in the pentagon will want to bomb Chinese cities. No one will stop them. And then things turn nuclear. To those geniuses who say, well, we’ve basically been fighting Russia for 15 months and it hasn’t gone radioactive, one has to say only four words: it ain’t over yet.



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